COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMESBachelor of Computer Science (Interactive Media) academic programme is offered to prepare graduates with a thorough understandingand superior skills in information technology particularly in the area of multimedia. DEPARTMENT OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERINGSoftware Engineering is a field of knowledge about computer software development using structured methods, techniques and schemes.In line with this, the Department of Software Engineering offers two bachelor programmes of Computer Science namely SoftwareDevelopment and Database Management. This department plays a major role in producing competent and professional softwareengineers to design and develop highly sophisticated and complex applications including Intelligent Systems. We also ensurethat our graduates are equipped with project management skills, work ethics, risk management knowledge and the importance of teamwork in software development processes. The objective of specialization in Database Management is to produce skilled professionals inDatabase Management. The course equips the graduates with various skills such as database analysis, design and development based onthe system specifications.
This course focuses on practicalskills to create, control and execute SQL statement. SynopsisThis project provides an opportunity to the student to practicetheir knowledge and experience gained from previous subjects.This subject also develops the students understanding ofproblem solving techniques to solve a particular problem basedon their respective project scopes. The project scope is based ontheir majoring and they are required to develop their projects ingroups of four or five.References1. Analyze project scopes based on their majoring.Construct the project by applying the concept of systemdesign and development learnt in the previous subjects.Organize the group project properly and able to present theproject output. This subject introduces the concept of HCI and its relationship insystem development. The topics include the basic understandingof cognitive psychology, user interface design, interactiondesign, usability and evaluation.
Of HEI participants have reviewed their clinical services to identify possible LGBTrelated gaps.In 2013, the Office of Minority Health (OMH) of the U.S. The CLAS Standards are anationally recognized and utilized tool for culturally competent healthcare.The new CLAS standards fully incorporate the concerns of LGBT people into the framework of culturallyand linguistically appropriate care and specifically include sexual orientation and gender identity in theirbroader definition of culture. OMH’s accompanying publication, “A Blueprint for Advancing and SustainingCLAS Policy and Practice,” also shares examples of health disparities experienced by LGBT people andincludes specific reference to LGBT health in many of the standards. One of the standards encourageshealthcare organizations to conduct ongoing assessments of the organization’s CLAS-related activitiesand integrate CLAS-related measures into continuous quality improvement activities. The HEI surveyfound that 60% of HEI 2016 participants reported that they had an official plan, strategy or goals forreducing health disparities among their patients and/or providing culturally and linguistically appropriateservices to their patient population, and 35% of those participants indicated that they include LGBTpopulations in this plan. Patients’ bill of rights) that includes both “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” Lesbian, gay, bisexual andtransgender people continue to face discrimination in healthcare because of their sexual orientation and/or genderidentity, creating a http intranet blhc need for explicit non-discrimination policies.
Apply problem solving skills in planning and developingmultimedia project.SynopsisThis course is conducted to give an exposure to students withregards to core concepts of multimedia, technology and theimportance of multimedia applications. The topics which thestudents will learn include introduction to media,implementation of multimedia graphics, graphics and 2D/3Danimation, video, audio, multimedia authoring, multimediaintegration and application development. Lab sessions willintroduce students to a variety of media software for theintegration of medias. Students will also be exposed to practicalsessions of media preparation like image editing, animation andaudio production, short video and to apply it effectively in amultimedia project done in groups. At the end of the semester,each group is required to present their projects in a formalsession..References1.2.3. Explain security issues in the design, implementation andmanagement of database systems.2.
Education and Training
The guidelines areaimed at establishing common reference points and expectations for all involved, including the transitioningemployee, HR, management and work groups, to further everyone’s goal of a respectful transition process thatretains the employee and individual engagement. From suggestions on how to have respectful and informativeconversations about the topic of transgender inclusion in the workplace to the administrative changes to one’spersonnel and workplace documents, these guidelines clearly delineate responsibilities and expectations oftransitioning employees, their supervisors, colleagues and other staff. Of HEI participants have at least one health plan available to all employees that explicitlycovers medically necessary health services for transgender people, including gender transitionrelated treatment.These benefits are critical for the health and well-being of individual transgender people.
What is the name of NYU hospital?
NYU Langone Health – Tisch Hospital.
Under theterms of the two-year settlement, TBHC agreed to adopt, and train employees, on new policies and procedurestailored to transgender patients. As this overview of the HEI 2016indicates, diverse healthcarefacilities across the U.S. aremaking tremendous strides towardLGBT patient-centered care; inunprecedented numbers, they arechanging key policies and trainingtheir staffs. We heartily applaud thefacilities that have taken these criticalfirst steps, and we encourage themto deepen their commitment to LGBTpatient-centered care by continuing toadopt the best practices described inthe HEI 2016 Checklist. We encouragehealthcare facilities that have yetto participate in the HEI to use thisunique and invaluable resource toenhance LGBT care and signal theircommitment to LGBT equity andinclusion. The HRC Foundation looksforward to welcoming them to the HEIin future years – and helping themextend a warm welcome to LGBTAmericans. This course is designed to give an exposure to students about thefundamental of operating system including process,management of memory, file and I/O and also about CPUscheduling.
Asthma & Allergy Care
Topicscovered include how to analyze security policies, procedures,and requirements as well as how to identify and design forpotential security threats. Students will also be exposed todesigning a network infrastructure security, authenticationstrategy for the organisation domain, access control strategy fornetwork resources and public key infrastructure with certificateservices. They will also be involved in designing security forinternet information services, servers with specific roles, as wellas designing an infrastructure for updating computers andsecure network management infrastructure.References1.
3.Interpret the information in the simple text andconstruct sentences with correct grammar.SynopsisThis subject is designed for students who do not have priorknowledge in Korean. It provides students with the foundationof knowledge to enable them to understand and respond in theoral and written forms. This subject encompasses the listening,speaking, reading and writing components. This subject aims tohelp students to obtain basic knowledge about Korean language.The basic grammar introduced is related to the language useddaily by the Korean. Particular care is also taken to ensure thedevelopment of verbal communication and written skills inKorean. Describe the different abstract data type & algorithms usedin game programming and the effects towardsperformance.2.
IM Program List Sep 2016
Explain about security policies based on related Acts andLaws.SynopsisThis course is designed to provide fundamental skills needed tounderstand cyber laws related to copyright, patents, digitalrights, computer crimes, privacy issues, hacking and prosecutionin Malaysia. Furthermore, students will beexposed to design and produce security policies accordance withlegal laws.References1. Develop skills and knowledge in various settings andplatforms to ensure a highly secured networkinfrastructure.SynopsisThis course is designed to provide fundamental knowledge inplanning and designing a secure network infrastructure.
- Student will also be exposedto the introduction of character animation the basic techniquesin modeling a character.
- The emphasis will also be given to thetransmission protocol (TCP / IP, RSVP, MPLS, RTP) and Qualityof Service (QoS) in networks such as Intergrated Services andDifferentiate Services.References1.
- Display detailed descriptions by expanding and supportingpoints of view using relevant examples.SynopsisThis course which is designed based on a blended and studentcentred learning approach aims to develop students’ listeningskills as well as communication skills and strategies.
- Analyze project scopes based on their majoring.Construct the project by applying the concept of systemdesign and development learnt in the previous subjects.Organize the group project properly and able to present theproject output.
Server, router, switches, wireless, digital camera, video, biometric machines are also provided for teachingand learning purposes. The Healthcare Equality Index is a project of the Health & Aging Program at the Human Rights CampaignFoundation. In addition to the HEI, the Health & Aging Program researches, develops and advocates for LGBThealth and aging initiatives at the federal, state and local levels, and provides support to groups and individualsseeking to enhance LGBT wellbeing via education, policy, research and direct services. The Health & AgingProgram also includes the HIV Prevention and Health Equity Project which works to leverage HRC’s strengths tohelp end the HIV epidemic and the stigma surrounding HIV through public education and outreach.
Exploring the Science of Nutrition
At the end of the course,students must be able to adopt appropriate game projectmanagement tools in managing project activities. Students willbe encouraged to actively participate and share their ideasthrough group discussions, presentations and role play.References1.2.3. Demonstrate the basic concept related to digital graphicdesign, computer graphics 2D and 2D computer gamedevelopment.2. Explain key skills, techniques and components in 2Dcomputer games development.3. Construct appropriate components for generating 2Dcomputer games from different types and genres as thebasis for continuous learning.SynopsisThis course provides students with the concept of digital graphicdesign, computer graphics 2D, and basic concepts andtechniques for the development of a two-dimensional (2D)computer games.
Construct a database with strong protection of dataconfidentiality, integrity and availability.SynopsisThis course introduces the basic concepts of data security in anenvironment that involves databases, computer systems andnetworks, and the Internet. It outlines fundamental data securityrequirements and explains the risks that threaten the integrityand privacy of organizational data. Students are introduced toseveral technologies that can contribute to system and databasesecurity such as Access Control, Cryptography, AuthenticationMethods, User Administration, Virtual Private Database andDatabase Auditing. In the aspect of Database Security studentswill be exposed to the standard practices and procedures insecurity implementation within Oracle9i database environment.Other security issues such as risk management, computer crimeand cyber law will also be covered in this course.References1.2. Manipulate the understanding of issues related to currentcomputer network design, processes, tools and techniques2. Some issue on network design will be includedin Physical design and addressing and routing.
- Loan Facilities on Lab EquipmentStudents are allowed to loan the lab equipment to complete their assignments or projects on time.
- As this overview of the HEI 2016indicates, diverse healthcarefacilities across the U.S. aremaking tremendous strides towardLGBT patient-centered care; inunprecedented numbers, they arechanging key policies and trainingtheir staffs.
- Students will begin byunderstanding how perimeter defences work and then be leadinto scanning and attacking their own networks, no real networkis harmed.
- This subject willshow students on how to use Java’s network class library toquickly and easily write programs that accomplish manycommon networking tasks.
- 3rd ed., CengageLearning.ISTQB (2011) ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation LevelSyllabus.
Create professional content with Canva, including presentations, catalogs, and more. Learn about about what to bring to the Hospital, what to expect during your stay, and the services and amenities available. The office of diversity enhancement is committed to supporting diverse future physicians and scientists who will promote health and advance health equity in our local community, in the nation, and around the world. We have offices, locations, and facilities in the Bronx to serve every member of the community. Explore our state-of-the-art fitness center dedicated to helping you improve your health through fun, engaging workout options. We partner with community groups and state and federal organizations to bring you high quality fruits, vegetables, and grains.
What is Nodat diabetes?
Even if you did not have diabetes before, you may develop diabetes after an organ transplant. This type of diabetes is called ‘new-onset diabetes’ after transplant. It is also called ‘NODAT’ for short. New-onset diabetes can occur as a side effect of the medications that you need to prevent rejection of your new organ.