how to take a break from drinking

You have places, people, and events that are tied to drinking. Being around them could make it harder to stick to your plan. If that’s not possible, admit your desire to drink and don’t judge yourself for it. Call or text a friend and have your goals handy to remind yourself why you’ve dropped drinking. Think about why you are making changes to your drinking – to lose weight, feel healthier, save money, sleep better, or prevent that Sunday morning hangover.

Ep #288: How to Stop Finishing What’s in Your Glass

how to take a break from drinking

Discover how to trust yourself and feel truly how to take a break from drinking powered to take it or leave it. Head on over to and start your transformation today. Tired of breaking your promise to go easy on the drinks tonight? You know your nightly habit isn’t great for your health or waistline, but it’s so hard to say no.Sound familiar? She knows what it’s like to be fed up with your drinking, worried about judgment from others, and turned off by approaches that focus on a higher power instead of brain science.

how to take a break from drinking

Ep #349: Why It’s a Good Thing Water Is Boring

Yeah, you’re just like, what, you know, what did, how did drinking help you? It is a clue to the underlying issue, like a good place to start to start digging. And, you know, you talk about the idea of problem solving versus problem stalling. And I love that that alcohol was a problem staller, meaning your attention was momentarily diverted. But it didn’t do anything about the underlying problem.

  • Why understanding the connection between the habit of drinking and your emotions is crucial to your success.
  • Were you expecting Dry January to be more fun?
  • You can understand the word to mean a matter of importance.
  • It’s like that one area that I just feel like is has not caught up to where we should be.
  • Why the ability to feel restless when you have the desire to drink is key in extinguishing the mental drama that comes up in those moments.

Search The Podcast

  • If you like the benefits of caffeine but you find that coffee is too extreme, you may want to consider consuming gentler sources of caffeine like black or green tea – matcha is a lovely option, too.
  • Yeah, well, you’re doing incredible work out there.
  • If you look at the impact alcohol is having on your life and decide that there are still some benefits even among the consequences, that’s an important step in recognizing how your relationship with alcohol is working overall.
  • I, I had just, I just been, I was just a prison for a year, I got arrested, I got off a plane, and there’s a whole nother story.

And maybe a few highly questionable decisions. Alcohol is a sedative, so you’d think it would help you sleep better. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

Ep #243: What’s in Your Glass?

So, there are four pieces that I think are worth highlighting about my approach that I will go over here. There are other ways in which I think the work that I do is different from a lot of the mainstream work out there but these are sort of the top four that I want to cover now. Cold temperatures greatly slow the culturing process, so the refrigerator is a good place to store grains when a break is necessary. Although water kefir grains can be used to make back-to-back batches of water kefir, at some point most people will need to take a break.

how to take a break from drinking

I tried to replace it with water, but it was too easy to drink quickly and lacked flavor. So I started to drink coffee instead. Just like a broken bone or infection needs time to heal, so does an overworked liver. While this depends on the amount of alcohol you have had over the years, your liver can see partial healing within two to three weeks, but this will depend on your health history. The Bubble Hour is a podcast hosted by Jean McCarthy, an author and blogger well-known for her work in the recovery space.

Great podcast for growth!

how to take a break from drinking

When your decision not to drink is met with resistance or disappointment, here’s how to stay committed to changing your habit. Yeah, but no, you’re definitely in the right place. I mean, I can feel the energy and it just everything from you and what you do so yeah, keep it rockin’. And, you know, so grateful to have an opportunity to, you know, hopefully maybe share something that can help somebody at the end of the day, and then help anybody. But you know, now it’s transformed after 100 episodes in the first year, it’s really transformed into, you know, everybody sharing their story.

  • So if you remember in the beginning of this episode when I was telling you about how I used to study people who just didn’t really seem into drinking.
  • There is a wide range of options — from residential “detox” programs to cognitive behavioral therapy, to medications such as naltrexone which can help people drink less, or acamprosate, which can help people stay dry.
  • Discover how to examine your desire to drink and what scratching the surface of your reasons for drinking can tell you about your habit.
  • So, that’s definitely, you know, check it out what you feel comfortable with and what you’re willing to get into right?

Learn how labeling alcohol as positive or negative can affect how you see yourself when you’re trying to change the habit. The simple reason behind why your brain thinks changing habits is too much work, and how to overcome it. What you might discover if you take a break from drinking. When you want to change a habit you must pay attention to the language you use to describe your feelings, especially your desire. Discover an alternative to the common belief that we should remove all alcohol from marijuana addiction our environment to successfully take a break from drinking.

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